Tuesday, October 21, 2008

At the Villa, Dario the Butcher, San Gimignano II

San Gimignano
A view of the central Piazza in San Giangnamo. It was historically an Etruscan and later a Roman settlement.

There are 14 towers remaining in the village of the original 70 built by competing families for show and defense. It is one of the best examples of midieval villages remaining today.

A view of one of the towers form our view form the outdoor cafe on the piazza where we enjoyed gelato. It doesn't show in the photo, but there are plants that have rooted in the mortar of the tower....also a home for pigeons.

A little Gelato.
Tom, Mickey and Cassie enjoy a Gelato on San Mimignano's main square. Behind the camera Mark is enjoying a 1/2 liter of the local fruit of the vine. As designated driver, it takes several wines to give one the courage to tackle the mountianous curves and Italian drivers. Gelato is only for passengers.

The streets of San Giangamo. Mickey and Cassie after an afternoon of shopping. The credit card blood-letting was extremely minor on this outing.

Tom and Mickey pose for a shot of the beautiful historic architecture in San Giangnamo. The streets are paved with cobblestone and the age of the architecture is hard to capture in photos...but, hey Tom and Mickey look great!

Cassie with the boar.
The sign above the boar's head says "Do not touch", an impossibility when Cassie shops. Notice she has the boar on the right squarely by the right ear and the one one the left by his right ear.

We found a great restaurant called La Griglia for lunch with a panaromic view. Looked like we could see 100 miles.

Another cheesy shot of the girls.

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